Sunday, December 4, 2011


An invention I would introduce to a primitive culture would be refrigerator and a stove. I would introduce these two objects in order to let them have access to safe food. Introducing the refrigerator will also help them preserve their food and not waste more of it. This would also benefit a primitive culture by being able to feed more people. Bringing a refrigerator would limit the chance of diseases developed from spoiled food and increase the health of a primitive culture. The refrigerator would also bring more time, and decrease the time being used to dry meat or any other process a primitive culture may use to conserve their foods.
            Primitive cultures would also benefit from owning a stove because they would have a safer cleaner meal and would not have to light up a fire which is time consuming. A stove would not only be time saving however it would bring a safer environment to the children. Mothers in a primitive culture would not have to worry about their children being around the fire, as well as playing around it and having a risk of being burned. Primitive cultures would benefit from refrigeration and a stove through the increase of the health of cultures, and bring a healthier lifestyle by making the food they eat safer.

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