Sunday, December 4, 2011


If I could choose to be anyone in history I would not want to be a different person, but I would like to be alive at the time Jesus alive in earth and teaching about God and how to obtain salvation. I would have liked to be a part of his followers because since I enjoy studying the bible and find the bible correct when it comes to teaching about the state of mind of men and also shows to be “beneficial for teaching, for reproving...” Being Jesus’ follower would make me capable of learning further about the mysteries in the bible.
Being alive around Jesus’ time and being one of his followers would teach you as well about what are the best decisions to take, and to live your life in order to be happy. If I would have any questions about what the bibles scriptures say, I would not have to worry about getting the wrong perception because I would be able to get the correct answer form Jesus. Jesus would also help us find happiness and calamity in ourselves he would give us advice we could not doubt because they would.
Another of the experiences I would get from being a follower of Jesus is being able to witness the incredible things he has done which are recited in the bible. I would go back to that time to witness of many of the prophecies that have come true and to be able to understand  why they happened and analyze them carefully because being there you are able to I would also be able to help people know about God so they can have some type of guidance in their lives. Going back in time and be a follower of Jesus and talk to him would be an experience that would help me understand the teachings of the bible. 

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