Sunday, December 4, 2011


 A personal change I made was being able to focus more in school in order to get higher grades. I started to use my time wisely by not talking to people when I had work to get done. It was boring at first because I would be tempted to leave my work and just go talk to someone. Other times the people that sat around me would start telling me a story or something that had happened to them and I did not want to be rude or mean so I just tried to do my work and talk at the same time. It would not always work out though because I am not good at doing multiple tasks at the same time.
I also achieved raising my grades by focusing on the lessons teachers gave us and asked more questions for classes I had done as well as I wanted to the previous year. In math class I chose to sit at the first row of desks so I could be attentive throughout the class period and not be distracted by looking at the students in front of me if I sat in the back.
Doing my homework for all classes everyday also helped me keep the information memorized in my head. I spent around five hours every day completing homework assignments and also reading some of the text book lessons helped me stay ahead of the work teachers gave me. Studying before tests was essential to raise my grades because it was another way to refresh my memory and be prepared.

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